Summer Reading 2022- June 1 through July 30
Camping and Adventure Programs for All Ages!

Join The Canton Public Library 2022 Summer Reading Program
Pre-registration Begins May 20 on Beanstack!
Step One: Sign into your Beanstack account. It will be the same account you used last summer! Don't have a Beanstack account? Sign up for Beanstack HERE or download the Beanstack app. Adults can sign up for themselves, and register the whole family under one account. If you do not have a computer, you can come to the library and use ours. We can help.
Once signed in, you will find Reading Challenges for the whole family, based on the ages of the participants.
When you register for the Summer Reading Program, you will earn a coupon for a free soft drink (or candy) and popcorn at a Lewis Street Playhouse showing of "The Parent Trap" on June 3 or June 10 at 6:30 PM. Pick your coupon up at the library! Movie admission is free to all!
Step Two: Beginning June 1, begin logging your reading minutes in Beanstack. You will earn badges at certain milestones of reading achievement. Some badges will earn you a prize and a ticket you can place in a prize raffle of your choice! You can also earn badges for writing book reviews (or submitting a picture or short video review), and for completing fun activities. Some of the prizes include:
Coupons for treats from local businesses
A Star Reader yard sign for your yard
Raffle tickets! You choose where you want to put your tickets to win a prize basket! There are 3 prize baskets for each age group to choose from.
And more!
Beanstack will keep track of the total number of minutes read by all our participants! Look for the ticker at the top of the page! Our Community Reading Goal this year is 75,000 Minutes!
Step Three: Come to our Kick-Off Celebration on Thursday, June 2 at 5:30 PM!
Enjoy a freshly grilled hot dog and chips and a drink!
Go on a bear hunt around the neighborhood! Find all the bears to solve a riddle.
Enjoy the Story Walk at Central Park
Get a library card if you don't already have one
Sign up for Beanstack, and the Summer Reading Program if you haven't already!
Grab a Calendar of Events for the summer
and more!
Step Four: Enjoy programming all summer long for all ages!
Tuesday Evenings at 6:00-7:30 - Teen events for ages 12 to 17
Programs include macrame and tie-dye, team building games, an escape room and more!​
Wednesday Afternoons at 1:00 to 2:00 PM - Crafts, Presentations, Activities and More!
Intended for ages 6 and up - kids under age 9 must be accompanied by a responsible adult age 16 or over​
Snack will be provided
Thursday Mornings at 10:00 to 11:00 AM - Story Time for our pre-readers and their families!
Stories, songs, and activities with a camping and outdoor theme
Friday evenings - Several family events are planned throughout the summer
Friday, July 8 - Storyteller WT Johnson​
Friday, July 22 - Stuffed Animal Sleepover
Complete schedule of events available here.
(Schedule is subject to change...check back frequently for updates.)
Step Five: Keep logging minutes, writing reviews and earning badges and prizes. When you earn the specified number of badges for your Challenge (15 for adults and teens; 10 for kids and read-to-me's), your Reading Challenge will be considered complete!
This project is supported by The Institute of Museum and Library Services under the
provision of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State
Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.